Best Place to Buy a House in Skyrim

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"Breezehome" is one of the homes in Skyrim that the player can purchase. It is the first home that you can purchase when progressing through the chief story, and provides a safety spot to drop off loot and rearm between excursions in Whiterun Concur. Breezehome can be purchased for 5000 Gold after completing the "Bleak Falls Barrow" quest in the main story.

  1. one

    Start the "Bleak Falls Barrow" quest. This quest is function of the main story in Skyrim, and y'all receive the quest from Farengar Secret-Fire at Dragonsreach in Whiterun. This quest immediately follows the quest "Before the Storm".

    • Note: You can make everything a lot easier for yourself by traveling to Dour Autumn Barrow before you even go to Whiterun. You tin can first the Golden Hook quest by talking to Lucan Valerius in Riverwood. This will allow you lot to get all of the items yous need from the Bleak Falls Barrow and requite it to Farengar Hush-hush-Burn down as soon equally y'all get the quest, without having to backtrack.[1]
  2. 2

    Travel to Bleak Falls Barrow. Y'all tin discover this dungeon to the southward of Whiterun, and to the w of Riverwood. There will be several bandits outside, so you'll want to dispatch them before y'all enter. You'll find the archway to Bleak Falls Barrow at the summit of the stairs in the ruins.


  3. three

    Kill the two bandits in the first room and proceed. You'll before long come beyond a bandit that pulls the wrong lever, setting off a trap that kills him.

  4. 4

    Ready the pillars. Yous can look at the tablets above the gate and beside the lever to determine what order the pillars demand to be in. Fix them to "ophidian", "ophidian", and "whale". This will allow y'all to pull the lever and proceed.

  5. five

    Free Arvel, then kill him. You'll discover Arvel the Swift trapped in a spiderweb farther down the dungeon. Hitting the spiderweb will complimentary him, and he will accept off running. Effort to kill him now and so that y'all tin can easily go to his torso. If y'all don't kill him, he'll either be killed by a draugr a trivial farther down, or impaled by a spike trap.

    • Arvel volition cower for a moment after existence freed from the spiderweb, making this the all-time fourth dimension to impale him.
  6. six

    Have the Golden Claw and use information technology to solve the puzzle. Yous'll find this item on Arvel'southward corpse. The Gilt Claw is required to pass through Three Ring puzzle subsequently in the dungeon. Zooming in on the Golden Claw's palm in your inventory volition show yous the correct club the rings need to be in (from top to lesser: bear, hummingbird, owl).[ii]

  7. seven

    Read the Discussion Wall and defeat the dragon. The Word Wall will teach you lot Unrelenting Shout, one of the near useful Shouts in the game. After reading the Word Wall, you will be attacked by a draugr overlord. Dispatch the dragon and take the Dragonstone.

  8. 8

    Give the Dragonstone to Farengar Cloak-and-dagger-Burn at Dragonsreach in Whiterun. This will complete the quest and allow you to buy a house in Whiterun.[3]


  1. 1

    Talk to the Jarl. After completing the quest, talk to the Jarl in Dragonsreach. He volition inform you that a home is at present available for buy, and betoken you towards Proventus Avenicci.

  2. 2

    Find Proventus Avenicci in Whiterun. Y'all can usually detect him well-nigh the throne in Dragonsreach. If he's not there, he's either in his bedroom or dining in the Great Porch.

    • If you lot haven't purchased the house by the time you lot starting time the "Battle for Whiterun" quest for the Stormcloaks, you'll be required to purchase the house after from Brill in Dragonsreach.
  3. three

    Purchase the house for 5000 Gold. Proventus will sell you the house if you tin cough up the 5000 Golden payment. If y'all don't have the cash yet, raid a few nearby dungeons and sell the boodle off to the merchants in Whiterun.

  4. 4

    Purchase furnishings from Proventus. Your business firm will be pretty bare when you outset purchase it, but y'all tin add additional furniture and decorations by purchasing them from Proventus. When you purchase additional furnishings, they volition exist delivered to your house automatically.

    • Y'all can purchase furnishings by the room. For example, furnishing your Living Room will provide 2 Weapon Racks, 1 Bookshelf, ane Cupboard, 1 Pocket-sized Table, and two Small Chairs. Furnishing the bedroom volition provide iii End Tables, 1 Dresser, 1 Table, 1 Chest, 2 Chairs, 1 Shield Plaque.
  5. 5

    Find your new house. After purchasing your home, y'all'll receive the key and can kickoff using it. The house is chosen "Breezehome", and you tin observe it to the east of "Warmaiden's" just inside the western gates of Whiterun.


  1. 1

    Safely store items in your containers. Many containers throughout Skyrim will reset after a while, making them an unsafe place to leave valuables for later. Containers in your firm, however, will never reset, assuasive you lot to safely dump all of your excess loot between adventures.

    • Many players will sort different categories of items into different containers to make finding items easier afterward. For case, you might place all of your clothing and armor in your Sleeping room containers, while keeping all of your ingredients in the Kitchen.
    • Weapon Racks will automatically store your equipped weapon when you utilise them, making them a great mode to show off your more prized weapons.
  2. 2

    Upgrade your Kitchen to cook ingredients and make food. Upgrading your Kitchen provides you with a Cooking Pot. You tin can use this pot to combine nutrient ingredients to create more effective and powerful food.

    • Near foods will require Salt as an ingredient.
  3. iii

    Upgrade your Abracadabra Laboratory to brew potions. The abracadabra lab allows you lot to employ ingredients to brew very powerful potions. Yous can combine upward to three ingredients (two base and one bonus) to create a large variety of helpful potions and devastating poisons. The alchemy lab is the almost expensive addition at 500 Gold. Click here for a guide on brewing potions.

    • If you lot have the "Hearthfire" expansion, you can replace your alchemy lab with a Children's Bedroom. This allows you to adopt children to live you with. Click here for more details on adopting in Skyrim.
  4. 4

    Make skillful use of the nearby blacksmith. I of the best features of Breezehome is its shut proximity to Warmaiden's. This means you tin can apace forge and repair equipment without having to runway down all the proper equipment.

  5. 5

    Know what yous can't exercise at Breezehome. Breezehome doesn't take an Enchanting Table, or a Mannequin. This means you cannot enchant items without walking all the style to Dragonsreach. Without the Mannequin, yous tin can't display your favorite pieces of armor. Breezehome is as well fairly far away from the Thieves Guild argue at Honningbrew Meadery.[4]


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  • Question

    How and where do I discover Jarl'south friend to buy the house from later on the Whiterun Boxing?

    Community Answer

    He is usually upstairs at the table or he's on the bang-up porch, through the big double doors, or he's in Jarl's quarters, which is the first door on the right at the bottom of the staircase.

  • Question

    I cannot purchace Breezehome in any mode. I tried hundrends of diferent combinations. What should I do?

    Community Answer

    Complete the main storyline up until you slay Mirmulnir, the dragon at the western watchtower. Get to the Jarl of Whiterun afterwards and collect your reward. This will ensure you reached the signal of purchasing the business firm. Become to Proventus Avennici, the steward. Talk to him, and the option to purchase Breezehome and all upgrades will be in the options.

  • Question

    Is at that place a fashion to get easy gold in Whiterun?

    Community Answer

    The easiest mode I've institute to harvest gold is to boodle an invisible chest from the traveling merchants throughout Skyrim. The easiest 1 is in Dawnstar.

  • Question

    How practise I become a house for free?

    Community Answer

    There is no way; however, you can make coin quickly by using Transmute on 100 fe ore, crafting the gilded ore into rings, and selling them.

  • Question

    How much money will a merchant requite me?

    Community Answer

    The amount of money that a merchant volition requite you varies from shop to shop.

  • Question

    I accept the money but cannot purchase the house, even though I completed the needed quests. What do I practice?

    Community Answer

    Continue quests until you lot slay the dragon at the belfry; this quest is activated after arriving at Dragonsreach with the Dragonstone.

  • Question

    What tin can I do if the dragon stone quest is also difficult, and I don't have enough resources to progress any farther?

    Community Answer

    Do other small-scale tasks to secure more wealth and build upwardly to it, such as finding the Gilded Claw and giving it back to Lucas in Riverwood.

  • Question

    How exercise I go my family to move in?



    Community Answer

    Talk to your spouse and children, there will be an option to have them motility. The destination must take valid sleeping accommodations to announced as a choice.

  • Question

    How do I buy a house in Whiterun if Brill is dead in the street and I can't observe the guy with the large sword?



    Community Reply

    I don't know who the guy with the big sword is merely if Brill is dead, then reload a save where he is still alive. Or, alternatively ask the Jarl and they might point y'all in the right direction. Or, use cheats and bring him back.

  • Question

    Is there a manner to go the house without doing the quest?



    Customs Answer

    No, it is the same with all other holds. If you ask to purchase the firm, they will say that yous have to do a service for Whiterun before they will sell their property to you.

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Commodity Summary X

To purchase a business firm in Whiterun, start the "Bleak Falls Barrow" quest in the main story, which y'all tin can receive from Farengar Secret-Fire at Dragonsreach in Whiterun. Once you lot've accepted the quest, travel to the Bleak Falls Barrow dungeon south of Whiterun and west of Riverwood. Within, clear out whatsoever bandits and solve the pillar puzzle. Subsequently the puzzle, kill Arvel and take the Golden Claw from his corpse, which will testify y'all how to solve the Three Band puzzle later in the dungeon. Toward the end of the dungeon, read the Word Wall to learn the Unrelenting Shout, then defeat the draugr overlord to get the Dragonstone needed to finish the quest. In one case the quest is complete, talk to the Jarl in Dragonsreach, who will let you lot buy the Whiterun house from Proventus Avenicci for 5000 Gold. For more tips, like how to furnish your new house, read on!

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