[Looking for a small grouping Guided Reading construction that'south easy to apply AND accelerates students' achievement? You're in the correct place! Stay tuned to a free lesson plan and insights to help you Do Less. And Accomplish More!]

When I was a new teacher, I came home tired.  Dead tired.  My husband wanted to back up me, to treat me, and so he would offering to take me out to eat for dinner.

How sugariness!

He would innocently enquire, "Where would you similar to go?"

And then I would despair.

Yep, dear readers, the idea of even having to choose between 1 of 5 choices of restaurants in our small boondocks Overwhelmed me. First world trouble, yes.

But why did I react and then strongly?

Decision fatigue.

An instructional twenty-four hours with a constant stream of choice later on choice.

Choices about instruction.(We had no curriculum! Accept ya been in that location?)

Choices about educatee behavior.

Choices about grading.

Choices near copying.

To copy or not to copy, that was the question.

I feel for today'southward instructor even more than I emphasize with my former teacher-self.  I didn't have Google, Facebook, Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers to debate with.

These platforms are dreamy in terms of possibilities.  They can likewise experience deathly when we have too many decisions to make.  Indeed, a recent study calculated that teachers have to choose amid at least 205 trillion instructional options.

That, ah, could exist, ah, considered challenging!

A Small Grouping, Guided Reading Structure to Combat Decision Fatigue

To combat decision fatigue, AND to help y'all accelerate all of your readers', I propose a small group, guided reading structure that has served me well for nearly 20 years.

I'll and then draw how one teacher might utilise this construction to plan lessons for 2 unlike groups.

I've used this construction every bit a tutor with hundreds of children, ages equally varied as iii to 15. It's too similar to the structure of an early on intervention chosen the Targeted Reading Intervention I developed at the Academy of North Carolina that had significant bear upon on all reading measures (decoding, word identification, spelling, and comprehension) as reported in these studies: (study ane, report two, study 3, & study 4).

(This structure is by and large fitting to any pupil at a K-iii reading level or any pupil of whatsoever age needing decoding, word identification, or fluency remediation.)

These are the 3 disquisitional components of a strong, comprehensive pocket-size group guided reading session:



Re-Reading for Fluency is simply similar it sounds.  The students re-read a book or selection of text several times until they have expanded their cognition of high-frequency words, quickened their reading rate, and gained confidence and motivation in their reading.  To help them succeed, the teacher models fluent reading while the students follow along. (Nosotros fade out this component when students are above grade level and fluent at well-nigh middle school reading levels.)

Word Work

Give-and-take Work is the time for focusing on sound-based decoding and spelling for the end purpose of rapid acquisition of discussion identification. Hither at Reading Simplified we recommend only a handful of activities that integrate multiple reading sub-skills simultaneously:

  • Concept of the alphabetic principle (that our written language is a code for sounds),
  • Left-to-right directionality,
  • Phonemic awareness (perception of individual sounds in words, i.e., "much" = /grand/  /u/  /ch/).
  • Letter of the alphabet-sound cognition (i.eastward, that "c" is usually /k/, "ow" is oft /oa/, and "tch" is usually /ch/,
  • Decoding strategies, such every bit Blending As You Read and Flex It,
  • Spelling strategies, such as Say It the Way Information technology Looks, and
  • Multisyllable strategies, such every bit Blend As You Read by Clamper.

These reading sub-skills are integrated into just these handful of activities:

  • Build It
  • Switch Information technology
  • Read It
  • Sort It
  • Search for It
  • Write It
  • Flex It

(For advanced readers, Word Work tin also morph to emphasize vocabulary meanings and Greek and Latin roots.)

Guided Reading

Guided Reading is when the students accept turns reading aloud a challenging text that builds their decoding and word identification skills.  The teacher offers give-and-take-level back up and comprehension support where necessary. Finally, students conclude the small group session summarizing what they read and preparing to work independently with their targeted sound (such as /oa/) and texts for re-reading do.

That'south it.  ðŸ™‚

The mission of this small-scale group structure is to move ALL students to rapid acquisition of independent reading.  In one case kids can reading independently and enjoy reading for its own sake, then other structures may be beneficial, such every bit literature circles, genre written report, book clubs, enquiry studies, etc. Just that's a post for another twenty-four hours.  Nigh K-3 students, as well as struggling students, however, would benefit from the in a higher place construction to efficiently advance their reading skills and enjoyment.

Thus, a teacher using this structure doesn't take to determine what to do at the commencement, middle, and end of every 20 minute interaction with every grouping.

Sigh of relaxation.

Instead, she has a framework that hits the nigh important tasks of early literacy and adapts them to each grouping's item needs.

How One Teacher Plans Her Small Group Lessons–Grouping 1

Imagine a teacher. We'll call her Ms. Peregrine.  Ms. Peregrine teaches 1st form and has 5 groups of students for her small group guided reading time.  She sees 2 of these groups every mean solar day; two of these groups every other day; and the final group one-2 times per week.

Let'south consider how Ms. Peregrine plans for her two run into-with-daily groups…

She begins making notes in her small grouping planner for Grouping #1, AKA the "gymnasts."  Based on her initial assessments of their reading achievement, they are at the Kindergarten reading level.  She has placed them at the primeval CVC footstep and accept just been exposed to short a and short i.

They have practiced comprehension of text read aloud to them.  Her chief objective is to quickly provide them the foundation of strong decoding skills so they tin larn to recognize words easily, get fluent, and larn to love to read independently.

So, on the Reading Simplified Streamlined Pathway for Kindergarten level readers, this puts them at the first CVC level.


Groundwork: The Reading Simplified Streamlined Pathway is a kind-of scope and sequence for teaching anyone who is a immature reader or a reader who is struggling. The Streamlined Pathway incorporates:

  • Phonemic awareness,
  • Letter-audio knowledge,
  • Decoding strategies,
  • Loftier-frequency give-and-take noesis, and
  • Fluency

Using the Streamlined Pathway, coupled with the elementary structure I'm presenting today for small group guided reading, a teacher can diagnose and programme modest grouping and independent work more hands and with less try.

Despite this time savings, she can besides expect to run across students reading achievement outcomes accelerate!

How 'bout them apples!

And then as Ms. Peregrine begins thinking about her lesson, she's already grounded by the 1st CVC level–the letter-sounds, Fry high frequency words, and decoding strategies that are emphasized there. Specifically, over the grade of ane-2 weeks, she will focus on these:

  • Short vowels
         a    i
  • Consonants
         c m p t s n h d due west
  • Consonant digraphs
        thursday ch wh ll tt

Then she moves on to the specifics of her lesson:

Re-Reading for Fluency with Group 1

pig-sits-coverShowtime, what will she select for Re-Reading for Fluency?

Quick decision.

She simply adds the proper noun of yesterday'southward Guided Reading text, "Pig Sits" by Nora Gaydos to the Re-Reading for Fluency box because she had the gymnasts group re-reading it in pairs yesterday later on their time with her.  Most of them should be able to read this brusque text adequately well to her now. pig-sits_rereading

Word Work with Group ane

Second, Discussion Work?

A little more time to think.

Yesterday Ms. Peregrine observed that everyone was much more than reliable with their knowledge of the brusk a sound merely they were still merely l-50 with the short i sound.  And, phoneme manipulation (practiced in activity Switch It) with 3-sound words was withal mostly a struggle.

So, she opts for "Switch It" first and chooses a word listing that targets brusque a and short i (the only short vowel spellings they've been exposed to.)  But they can usually phonemically segment 3-sound words already and know essentially all consonants, so she can skip Build It from now on.


She also noted yesterday that Frank had advanced in his 3-audio word blending, but he still wasn't independent without her coaching.  The residual of the students still needed her support about one time during the lesson.  So, Blend As You lot Read with CVC words should still be a goal for this group.

Thus, using the Streamlined Pathway to guide her, she writes in Read It words: has will with this.

This Read It list focuses on mostly words with continuant consonants, which are easier to blend, are on the students' target audio needs: "i" and "th," and are Fry loftier frequency words with the same vowel sound.

She won't have the fourth dimension for Write Information technology nonetheless either since getting them to be confident with Blend As You Read is uppermost in importance.  (Besides, a typical lesson with students like the gymnasts ordinarily but includes 2 Discussion Work activities and then sufficient time is left for Guided Reading.)


Guided Reading with Group i

Finally, since she has already adamant that blending 3-sound words and learning the brusque i audio are the-big-hit-starfall-interiorthe most pressing needs of the gymnast group, Ms. Peregrine flips through her curt i CVC tub of books and selects 4 copies of the "Large Striking," by starfall.com .

At present she's ready with a great plan for her most struggling group of readers.

Less than 5 minutes of effort to plan and…

No Stress.

Sigh of pleasure.

guided reading lesson plan example

How One Teacher Plans Her Small Grouping Lessons–Group 2

Now our brave heroine is ready to programme for her other daily group, the Swimmers.  This group tested at the early 1st class level, so Ms. Peregrine has placed them at the 2nd step of the 1st grade Streamlined Pathway.


  • These students are familiar, only rusty, with their short vowels, and
  • Their Blend As You lot Read strategy is developing well with CVC words.
  • They know several high frequency words, too, simply not all that would exist expected for her school for early 1st grade.
  • Comprehension of text read aloud to them is good.

(All students are sorted into 1 of 3 Streamlined Pathways: K, 1st Grade, or 2d Form and Upwards.  Aye, I've even taught struggling high school students and an adult who was functionally illiterate with a pathway like the 2nd Grade and Upwardly one.

By just having 3 Pathways to choose from, Ms. Peregrine minimizes The Overwhelm.  These 1-pagers are a lot simpler than endless standards, basal scope and sequences, district guidelines, etc., that she used to stress over.  And, yet, students learning to read quickly will be more than probable to happen with this approach.

Given that Ms. Peregrine selected Level two on the Streamlined Pathway, she knows she's focusing on:

  • The long o sound and its diverse principal spellings,

    o o_e ow oa oe, every bit well as

  • Loftier frequency words from Fry's top 100 listing that target the long o sound

    get more than then no

Re-Reading for Fluency with Group 2

Like with the gymnasts group, Ms. Peregrine easily chooses the Re-Reading for Fluency text from yesterday'due south Guided Reading selection, "Joe and Joan" from the Reading Simplified Academy.

Search for It oa sound

The swimmers only began Advanced Phonics instruction, specifically with the long o sound and its major spellings.  They read "Joe and Joan" yesterday with her support and then she read it to them twice as they followed along.  They also read it as partners during literacy stations.  And then, they should exist pretty fluent at this short story past at present.


Discussion Work for Group ii

Next up, what will she do for Discussion Piece of work?

At the Advanced Phonics level, her decisions are pretty easy for planning Word Piece of work.  She aims to practice the long o audio all week, during Guided Reading too equally literacy stations, and for homework reading.  Since they but got started learning the Sort Information technology activity, it's good to reinforce it with a new list of words.

Sort It example page
With Sort It, she knows that they'll be:

  1. Learning the various spellings of the long o sound: o o_e ow oa oe,
  2. Reinforcing their Alloy Every bit You Read arroyo to decoding,
  3. Practicing their phonemic sensation (peculiarly phonemic sectionalisation) as they Say Each Sound As They Write Each Sound.

In addition, Ms. Peregrine is nonetheless concerned most their inconsistencies with their short vowel knowledge and their phonemic manipulation.  They are pretty successful at the CVC level merely she wants to claiming them with CVCC words.

Switch It image example rich whichSo, she selects a list for Switch Information technology that alternates several brusk vowels as well every bit moves to the CVCC level:

lamp lump limp lip lisp lip lop lot lost list concluding by pest pet pelt

Example of Switch It with different word list:


Guided Reading for Group 2

Finally, she's ready to select a new text for Guided Reading. She looks through her tub of long o books and selects an easier 1, with less text–"Lather Boat" from starfall.com.  Besides this beisoap-boat-stillng a good match for early on 1st graders just beginning to get the concept that i sound tin take multiple spellings, starfall.com besides offers interactive elements to reading this book online.

She'll send her swimmers group off to the computers to do re-reading "Soap Boat" on their own. They'll relish it and find re-reading like shooting fish in a barrel.

Before that however, she'll try to save time in their small group to likewise do Search for Information technology after they read "Soap Gunkhole."  She has paper copies of the book that each child tin can keep because starfall.com offers xx texts for about a buck.

Each child will search for the long o sound in the book and circle that spelling.   If time allows, they can point to where each spelling belongs on their already completed Sort It page.

But like with Grouping 1, the gymnasts, Ms. Peregrine has once again swiftly planned for some other small group guided reading session.

Prepped and ready.

In nether 5 minutes.advanced-phonics-long-o_full-lesson

Now she has time to lookout man This Is Us !

Would you like to simplify your guided reading educational activity, likewise?

Imagine if you were to plan like this.  What might exist the biggest do good to you lot or your students? Please annotate below so we can continue the conversation!