Pregnant With Fourth and Family Wont Be Happy

Parental disapproval re 4th babe

(36 Posts)

Namechanged78 Sat 23-Feb-13 12:08:31

I'one thousand currently just over xx weeks pg with our 4th baby. This is a planned pregnancy, we can beget to take them, accept space in the house etc. Nosotros told my parents at Christmas about the baby, deliberately choosing a fourth dimension when my sis was there as well and they seeend surprised but not unhappy
Even so this weekend they were staying and my dad launched an attack on dh, pretty much unprovoked.
Basically he said nosotros were irresponsible for having some other, we couldn't possibly beget to put 4 through university, and nosotros wouldn't cope with another baby. Along the way he also said I was mentally unstable, and that our union was very shaky
All of this is consummate bollocks. Dh and I have a great relationship, he's a great dad and husband, and I accept never been happier.
Dh didn't respond but basically wants cypher more to exercise with them. For the sake of our existing children he's prepared to seize with teeth his lip ad say nada but their relationship is destroyed. They have known dh for over 10 years sad
I feel devastated by what my parents have said and done and experience my whole pregnancy has been tainted past this. Don't even feel I want to tell and then when baby arrives
But looking for advice of what to do. I'one thousand a bit of a loss actually and tin can't really see a way forward with them
Thanks for reading

Sleepingbunnies Sabbatum 23-Feb-13 15:47:15

Gosh! Didn't desire to read and run, I can see why your DH wants nothing to do with them, if it was me I would exist fuming also.

FWIW I actually retrieve my parents will exist similar in temperament whenever we say we are going to have a third, no idea why since I'yard one of 3 just i'5 already had comments from people saying iii is besides many??! People need to mind their own business...

Hope they apologise at least and you lot tin put this behind you.. What an awful position to put y'all in, especially being 20wk pg!!!

Wheresmycaffeinedrip Sat 23-Feb-13 15:49:44

Congrats on your baby. If they tin can't exist happy for you lot nosotros certainly can smile

ScillyCow Saturday 23-February-13 15:52:09

Perhaps they can run into something that you don't?

I have an associate who kept on having children - but her and her partner lurch from crisis to crisis and the DCs are borderline neglected. She didn't manage well with two (filthy house, lots of illness/injury caused by unsuitable home environment) and and so they went on to accept more!

Are yous certain you lot are coping fine? If you are, and so I agree, your parents are being wierd. Have they washed anything like this previously?

MoonHare Sat 23-Feb-13 16:01:26

It'south clear why you feel so hurt and angry at the moment how painful and shocking to hear words like that from those closest to yous but try non to practise annihilation in haste.

Your Dad is obviously concerned for your welfare and that's a good affair fifty-fifty if he has expressed his concern in a less than helpful way. Parents worry nearly their kids don't they? Even when they are grown up.

With time the hurt you and DH currently feel will fade, and hopefully it volition faded plenty in 20 wks fourth dimension when DC4 arrives for you lot to allow your parents to be part of the joy of a new babe in the family.

Are you able to tell your parents how upset you are feeling? If you lot take the sort of human relationship where you can be honest with each other then you should air this with them only not yet, try and bite your lip until yous feel calmer - it may even have to expect until after infant arrives.

Pregnancy sends hormones racing and your feelings will be hightened at the moment because of this, time and perspective may help you get passed this with your parents.

Grandparents can enrich children'due south lives so much that I would circumspection against doing annihilation that will make your children's relationship with your parents difficult, no matter how justifiably angry you might feel.

Cry, shout, rage to DH and your friends almost how you feel correct at present - let it out but hold dorsum on doing anything you might regret in 10, 15 or 20 years time.

Babies have a fashion of bringing people together, I hope it works this style for you and your family.

Best wishes.

ScillyCow Sabbatum 23-Feb-thirteen sixteen:05:47

jeee Sat 23-Feb-13 sixteen:xiii:28

My parents were very unhappy nearly me having a fourth child. I knew they would be and put off telling them.

I too knew why they'd exist unhappy. It wasn't about me and DH - we were managing fine (though the business firm often needed a good vacuum clean!). For some reason my female parent decided that a quaternary child would exist tempting fate. I had three healthy children, and mum couldn't believe we'd exist that lucky 4th fourth dimension round. Illogical yes, but my parents were dealing with the long term impact of having a seriously sick daughter - my sister.

Their reaction was what I was expecting - they did not exactly overwhelm me with congratulations. This made it worse for them when I miscarried a couple of days later telling them.

Anyway, I got significant again, and have a healthy fourth child, and of form my parents absolutely adore her. If anything my dad is fifty-fifty dottier about no.4 than the previous children.

Could there be other factors which hateful that your parents are particularly concerned?

AThingInYourLife Sat 23-Feb-13 16:22:41

If my father ever spoke about me like that to my married man, equally though I were faulty chattel he had handed over, I would consider myself an orphan from that mean solar day forward.

throckenholt Sat 23-Feb-13 16:25:17

Your dad was out of club. Information technology is perfectly reasonable for him to have an stance, merely given that your pregnancy is a fact, and the kid is going to be function of the family, there was absolutely nothing constructive to be gained by saying what he did. If we wanted to try and brand sure you stopped at 4 then he had time enough to enhance information technology more than constructively over the next year or and then.

I can empathise how you and DH experience. I would for the sake of family unity try and put it to the back of my mind - although I would never forget (having been through years of my DH not liking my mum - which was very uncomfortable, and us both now observe his father very hard work). It may well be that your mum wasn't enlightened what your dad said, or that he was going to - and any distancing from him volition hurt her likewise.

But - bottom line - y'all and your DH made your option and you are happy with it. It is nothing to do with anyone else - don't let them spoil information technology for you lot.

AThingInYourLife Sabbatum 23-Feb-thirteen 16:34:46

The opinion it'southward reasonable for him to have is "how lovely, my girl is having a baby".

Namechanged78 Sat 23-Feb-13 xvi:xl:00

Thank you everyone for your replies, information technology really helps to hear some unbiased opinions.
Their reasons for concerns- my mother brought upward an incident from when I was about 3 days postnatal with dc3 and she was staying andinterfering offering lots of helpful communication. I shouted at her and told her to terminate it. She was driving me crazy, I was in baby blues territory, information technology really wasn't a big bargain (or so I idea)
The other 'prove' was even farther back when dc2 was a baby and my mother was again interfering offering advice to my dh. He told her to stop telling him what to exercise and she got all upset. When I went to run across if she was ok I made a joke most dh along the lines of 'it doesn't bother me if he is grumpy as I am used to it'
On the basis of this, and some shit stirring from my sis my parents have decided that dh is horrible to me, and I am miserable. They visit two or 3 times a year for a couple of days.
We have always made an effort to brand sure the children get to spend as much fourth dimension with their grandparents as possible so we will visit them too, over again 2 or 3 times a year usually for most 2-3 days at a time. Whenever we visit them dh is decorated doing diy jobs that they save up for him. He has done tons over the years and prior to this thought he had a good relationship with them.

We don't desire our children to miss out on having grandparents. I did tell them the side by side day how hurt we are, only no apology merely talk of 'starting over over again'
I think we will probably merely go along with this for the kids sake simply I don't call back it volition always be the aforementioned once again, and now I will feel like I tin't tell them if I am stressed because information technology will just be added to their imaginary list of things wrong with me!
I am genuinely very happy at the moment (apart from this obviously). I work role time and dear my chore, I accept neat fun with the kids, and we have family time at weekends which is best of all. Dh couldn't actually be any better every bit a partner or dad, he's my best friend. I call back I'll just focus on that for the side by side 20weeks and see what happens later on baby arrives. Perhaps nosotros will get an apology eventually

Bowlersarm Sat 23-February-xiii 16:58:11

My DM was a scrap like this. i made DH ring her and denote my pregnancy with DC3 because i knew she wouldnt't approve, despite the fact that she had 4 children herself, for her, my having ii children was perfect. i don't quite understand it but mayhap they just feel protective of you and are dismayed you may exist putting yourself through unnecessary hardship, therefore blaming your DH? Information technology doesn't arrive correct though.

I concord with other posters though and please don't jeopardise a future relationship with them. They patently feel guilty equally they talked nigh 'starting over again' and it volition take a while for you to forgive them, but once the baby is here and time has passed a flake hopefully you can movement on and forgive them for beingness so unsupportive.

AThingInYourLife Sat 23-Feb-thirteen 17:02:33

You lot can't forgive them, they're not lamentable.

If they felt guilty for character assassinating you and your married man they would have apologised.

How can y'all "start over" with your own parents FFS?

It doesn't sound like your human relationship has ever been particularly shut or supportive.

Grandparents are simply worth having if they are overnice people.

Bowlersarm Saturday 23-Feb-thirteen 17:05:26

Wow can't believe the people who would bandage such close family aside so chop-chop. Would you actually actually advise that the OP cuts her parents out of her life?

AThingInYourLife Sat 23-Feb-xiii 17:11:35

I can't believe how tolerant people would be of such unwarranted abuse of their spouse and disrespect of themselves.

The parents demand to see how badly they have behaved and apologise for the injure they have acquired.

Correct now they believe themselves to be righteous truth tellers.

They would not be welcome in my domicile until they got some basic fucking manners and started treating me and my spouse with respect.

Putting up with shitty treatment just to stay in impact with people who treat yous badly is such a waste of emotional free energy.

2gorgeousboys Sat 23-Feb-13 17:17:29

I accept been in a similar situation with my sister. Out of the blue last summertime she had a bluster at me accusing me of being a bad mother, I did not love DS and my youngest was a spoilt brat. I walked away but she continued by text saying she was only saying to my face up what everyone else said behind my back.

I cut her out of my life and the children accept not seen her since. It has been very, very hard on everyone specially my parents merely I do not want someone who thinks like that about me around my children.

Op cutting someone out of your life is a hard decision to brand and the children would detect it hardest of all. Please recall carefully earlier making a conclusion simply ultimately you demand to decide if y'all want these people in yours and your childrens life with the opinions they take of you, your DH and your relationship.

Bowlersarm Sat 23-Feb-13 17:20:xi

I would hope that my children knew how much I loved them and that there would be leeway. OPs DF knows he caused upset because they want to start over. It's still wrong, IMO, but to tell the OP to tell her parents to fuck off with no thought to the consequences in the hereafter.

AThingInYourLife Sat 23-Feb-13 17:27:34

You want leeway to verbally assault your children and their spouses?

It's people who wait leeway on stuff like that that you're best cutting out early.

People who are sorry apologise.

When they won't "let's move on" means "why don't yous stop bitching and just shut up?"

SanityClause Saturday 23-Feb-13 17:32:xv

Of course you lot tin can forgive them, even if they are not sorry for what thy have washed. In fact, not doing and so will cause you more than issues than information technology will crusade them.

But, y'all don't demand to give them whatever ammunition to upset yous in the future. So, I agree, don't tell them when you are stressed, or need help. You will need to find other less judgemental people that you can rely on to aid you with any issues y'all take in the futurity.

(I can never tell my DM anything because she is so judgy. She gets upset about this, merely fifty-fifty though I know it is "just her manner" I'm non so airheaded as to set myself up for a autumn. I don't allow it swallow me up, though.)

Bowlersarm Sat 23-February-13 17:34:10

Athing you've told the OP in 5 sentences to cut her parents out of her life. You don't have to alive with the consequences

AThingInYourLife Sat 23-Feb-thirteen 17:51:00

I didn't tell her to cutting her parents out of her life.

I said she should hold out for an apology and a recognition that they were very incorrect to exercise what they did.

Advising someone to let people walk all over them doesn't strike me every bit being specially wonderful.

She's currently going to let the relationship die a gradual death.

I might do that if my parents meant very piffling.

Or I might have the row and come across if we could go it sorted.

But request someone to pretend that people who behaved so appallingly are sorry is daft.

Her feelings, and her husband'southward feelings, matter.

Her spousal relationship matters too.

How would she experience if her husbands's parents attacked her in that mode and he expected her to deport on as though it was completely normal to deadfall people similar that?

They were way, WAY out of line.

Sometimes you need to stand up for yourself.

IMO the twenty-four hours your Dad tells your hubby your 4th child is unwelcome, you lot are unstable and he is a bad married man is the day y'all draw a line.

Norem Sat 23-February-13 17:52:21

Hello op is your Dad usually a foot in mouth person, is he a unremarkably proficient natured?
I only enquire because if he was previously lovely I would be a little concerned about him.
Sometimes when people are Sick, mentally or physically, they can undergo a bit of a personality bleep?
Also it strikes me that you really are happy at the moment, do they like that or are they trauma merchants, simply happy when there is something to moan about?
Anyway well done both of you for not having a major falling out about this, I would however redraw the lines a footling with your family a flake.
Put the ball into your courtroom and take charge of visits ect, I wouldn't have them visit when your new infant is too niggling either.

Norem Sat 23-Feb-13 17:53:20

Hi op is your Dad usually a human foot in mouth person, is he a usually practiced natured?
I only ask because if he was previously lovely I would exist a little concerned most him.
Sometimes when people are Ill, mentally or physically, they can undergo a flake of a personality blip?
Also information technology strikes me that you actually are happy at the moment, do they like that or are they trauma merchants, just happy when in that location is something to moan about?
Anyway well washed both of you for non having a major falling out near this, I would even so redraw the lines a niggling with your family a fleck.
Put the brawl into your courtroom and take charge of visits ect, I wouldn't accept them visit when your new baby is likewise little either.

Norem Sat 23-Feb-thirteen 17:53:40

Bowlersarm Sabbatum 23-Feb-xiii eighteen:00:19

You lot said you would consider yourself an orphan-how is that not proverb yous would recommend she cuts them out of her life?

Of grade her and her husbands feelings matter, and her husband is justifiably pissed off about it. But yous just take i set of parents, and they are compromising by saying they would like to 'start over'. I would be admittedly pissed off about it but would give them the benefit of the dubiousness. DParents have everything to lose hither, and the onus is on them to make it up

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