what to expect after 12 weeks of rotator cuff and tendon knee surgery

If you lot need your rotator cuff repaired due to an injury, overuse, or the natural degeneration caused by crumbling, surgery can assistance go rid of your pain and restore some or all of your range of move. Surgery may involve anything from shaving off os spurs that are pinching nerves to repairing connective tissue.

Surgical repair is usually performed only after less invasive treatments are tried. If you and your doc at Pennsylvania Orthopedic Specialists determine surgery is your best option, they will tell you how to gear up and answer all your questions.

How should I prepare in advance of the surgery?

Y'all'll undergo a thorough review of your current health and medical history with the team at Pennsylvania Orthopedic Specialists, so they tin make sure y'all're in good enough health for the surgery.

They may inquire you to stop taking certain supplements or nonessential prescription drugs prior to your surgery, because certain drugs may react to the anesthesia. The night before your surgery, y'all'll fast for 8-12 hours. You should also arrange to have a person drive you to and from your surgery.

What should I wait on the 24-hour interval of the rotator cuff surgery?

Rotator gage surgery is typically done as an outpatient procedure, so you should go domicile the same day. You'll clothing a hospital gown, and your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia.

Offset, your surgeon will clean your shoulder and employ an clarified solution. Then your surgeon will brand incisions in your shoulder. The size of your incisions will depend on whether you're having arthroscopic surgery, open up surgery, or a combination. Arthroscopic surgery is the least invasive of the ii. Information technology involves making small incisions in your shoulder to accommodate inserting tiny instruments and a minor tube affixed with a video lens and a lite.

The video camera projects images onto a screen in the operating room so your doctors can perform your surgery. When your surgery is finished, the squad will close your incisions with stitches or staples and wrap the site with a surgical dressing.

What happens later on surgery?

Right afterward your surgery, you will exist wheeled into a recovery room for observation. How long you lot stay in the recovery room volition depend on the type of anesthesia you received and the extent of your surgery. Once y'all're vital signs are stable and your pain is under control, your medico will send y'all habitation to recover.

You'll likely be given a sling or another type of immobilizer before leaving the infirmary. You will demand someone to drive you domicile, and you will likely have restrictions on driving and doing other activities for several weeks.

How do I treat the surgical site at home?

Earlier your surgery, your doctor will give you lot instructions on how to care for the surgical site. Your medico will also schedule an appointment for a week or so afterwards your surgery to see how you're healing and to remove any stitches or staples.

For hurting, your doctor will prescribe medication or recommended over-the-counter medicines. You can also put ice on the affected area to reduce hurting.

What are the risks of rotator cuff surgery?

Whatever surgery comes with risks. It's possible to experience bleeding, develop an infection, or get a claret clot. Keeping the site clean and walking regularly can assist preclude these risks from manifesting.

If y'all experience fever, redness, drainage, or increased pain at the incision site, or numbness in your arm or hand of the treated shoulder, contact Pennsylvania Orthopedic Specialists right away.

You volition have some restrictions on your mobility for several weeks or even months. To help in your recovery, the team will design a rehabilitation and physical therapy plan.

To learn more about rotator cuff surgery, book an appointment online or over the phone with Pennsylvania Orthopedic Specialists today.

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Source: https://www.paorthopedics.com/blog/what-to-expect-from-rotator-cuff-surgery-all-your-questions-answered

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